Art therapy workshop

March 11, 2023 by
Oman College of Management and Technology, OCMT TSD

The Student Affairs Department, represented by the Psychological and Social Counseling Office, organized a workshop on Monday, 6/3/2023, entitled "Psychological Therapy with Art", which was presented by the psychologist, Noura Al-Fulaiti. The workshop started with a meditation and relaxation session, which was moderated by the social worker, Zahra Al Salhi.

After that, the psychologist, Noura Al-Fleitiyah, touched on a number of topics, namely:

• What is psychotherapy with art?

• A mental patient with the character of an inspiring artist

• Let's play

• The importance of art as a means of breathing.

The number of attendees was 38 students and some employees. The workshop concluded by thanking the attendees and honoring the speaker.

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