قراءة في قوانين المعاملات الإلكترونية في السلطنة

12 يونيو 2022 بواسطة

Oman College of Management and Technology hosted Dr. Yousef Al-Nawafleh, Professor of Law at Sultan Qaboos University, to give a lecture entitled: A reading of the laws of electronic transactions in the Sultanate.

This lecture comes in the context of the themes and pillars of the Oman 2040 vision, which aims to build a digital society based on providing high-quality and reliable electronic services by government and private institutions. And with the aim of enriching the knowledge of students and staff at the college with the laws of electronic transactions in their daily and personal lives. In this context, Dr. Yousef Al-Nawafleh touched on the importance of electronic services to organize transactions at the present time inside and outside the Sultanate. He pointed out the importance of authenticating electronic signatures of all kinds to ensure the rights of all parties to the services provided and the transactions completed. He also talked about electronic authentication, which facilitates the completion of electronic transactions using the personal card or phone chip without the need to personally attend the service delivery site, except in exceptional cases such as marriage and divorce.

At the end of the lecture, the honorable guest thanked the college and its management for this kind gesture, and also thanked the students for their positive interaction, attendance, and remarkable interest in the content of the lecture

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